To The Best I Never Had By John Patrick Robbins

We danced upon the edge and never took that leap.
Fools and friends, the best always leave their mark others may consider a scar.

A kiss and a moment, a bitter heart and an all to sudden goodbye.
You are that one that haunts me.
As for me, well speaking for you my friend I cannot rightly say.

Nothing stands between us but an ego's burial and a call.
I won't hold my breath for I never looked good in blue.

You knew one thing most never will and even I have to question myself.
Held in hand pulsing and throbbing.

I'm speaking of my heart of course.
Shit didn't you horndogs even read the damn title.

I swear and here I thought better of you!
I'm kidding I never consider you at all when penning my pages.

Ahh did that hurt your feelings?

We all got them like backstories and I told my truth and sold it to you as a joke.
I'm like a fucking genius or something.

No wonder I'm always alone penning poems about the scars and memories all the same.

Truth hurts so stay drunk to numb your fall.
Sweetheart, there is never a moment I do think about you.


John Patrick Robbins, is not a real person.
He is actually the pen name of Lucifer himself.
He enjoys disrupting your streaming services and often cuts the power before you have finished masturbating to internet porn.

He is collecting lost souls to add to his Pokémon collection.
And will gladly trade you an overrated open mic windbag for a pretentious lit snob and throw in a free instagram bathroom taking selfie slut.

He also is currently single and if guys who's are lords of the underworld and run way too many zines and write really fucked up bios and have bad drinking problems are your thing.

Well drop him a line and please have your own vagina and alcohol.
If you are a bill collector please know John died tragically just this second and his funeral will be held at the KFC Yum Center in Louisville Kentucky.

Because Madison Square Garden was booked by Nickleback fuck you Canada! and your shitty music!

He has a new book out but being he is dead a cat named Mittens will be filling in for him on his sold out open mic tour of dope houses near you.

His memorial will be streamed on twitch hosted by a beloved twerk dancer once the check clears because she didn’t even know him.

His tombstone shall read.

He liked to party and has now moved to a warmer climate.

He loved you all.
Aside from you in the back.
Haha made you all look.


